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Gyda 'n Gilydd Anelwn Yn Uchel / Together, We Aim High

  • Courage

  • Generosity

  • Compassion

  • Trust

  • Respect

Pennaeth - Tim Redgrave

A very warm welcome to our Website. We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.

We take the responsibility of looking after and developing our children very seriously. Through the ethos and values of the Church in Wales we guarantee that we will do our very best to care for and educate your children.  We develop a caring and stimulating environment, where children’s high self-esteem allows them to take risks in learning and to learn confidently through their mistake, helping develop strategies for thinking and for independence. We encourage children to ask questions and for them to learn how to solve challenges and problems, while creating an environment where it is OK to make mistakes and learn from them.

Ysgol Esgob Morgan is a very caring, inclusive school, which values all pupils as individuals. Staff know their pupils very well. Consequently, strong, respectful relationships exist throughout the school.

Estyn 2018

The school offers a wide variety of learning and extra activities, such as swimming lessons, Forest School, Eco club, F1. There is a good range of after school activities as well. This makes things fun for my girls.

A Parent 2024

The school keeps the Parent informed about what is going on at every point.

A parent 2024

Ymwelwyd ag Ysgol Esgob Morgan er mwyn gweld arferion cadarn o’r modd mae addysgu a dysgu’r Gymraeg mewn ysgol cyfrwng Saesneg ynghyd â meithrin brwdfrydedd staff, disgyblion a llywodraethwyr i weithredu’n fwriadus ar ddatblygu’r agenda ymhellach. Tystiolaethwyd agweddau cadarn at addysgu a dysgu’r Gymraeg ynghyd â meithrin balchder disgyblion mewn hanes a diwylliant lleol a chenedlaethol.

Estyn Engagement Visit 2024

We visited Ysgol Esgob Morgan in order to see solid practices of how Welsh is taught and learned in an English-medium school together with fostering the enthusiasm of staff, pupils and governors to act deliberately on developing the agenda further. Solid attitudes to teaching and learning the Welsh language were evidenced together with fostering pupils' pride in local and national history and culture.

Estyn Engagement Visit 2024

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